Characters :
Aliza, Alwash as customer
Jack as Waiter, Granza as Manager.
Today is Hormine's Birthday so her friend Alwash wished her "Happy Birthday Dear Aliza".
"Oh, thankyou Alwash I was waiting for you," Aliza said.
Alwash said, "Let's go to restaurants for the party" .
Aliza said "Yes let's go Club Mariono at Manchester city".
(They go for Club Mariano)
They reached there and said to the waiter(Jack) "Hello Waiter can you provide some Cake for the Birthday Party, and 2 lemon scotch"
Jack - Sorry Sir I can't serve you at this time because it's closing time and lemon scotch is out of stock.
Alwash "Where is your manager go and say him to meet us, how can he forget us we are a more famous person. "
Jack went and said his manager, "Sir there is two customers they want to cake and lemon scotch, When I said sir this is our closing time we can't serve you at this time, Sir they want to meet you"
Granza replied, "Oh jack let's meet him"
Granza came and said to the customer,"Sir this is our closing time but if you want to celebrate your's friends birthday then we can help you, As we know birthday comes one time in a year , but si9r as Jack said we have lemon storch out of stock ".
Granza said for Cake to Jack "Jack go and carry a cake for birthday "
Thery all celebrate Hormine's Birthday together.
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