Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is a computer-based technology that works human-friendly. 

It was created by programming language, Algorithms , and logic.

It has more efficiency more in compression of humans. Because it is created by humans.

What AI can do?

It can work with a company with humans.

It is 100 times faster than humans.

It can help in any sector where man power needs. 

It can recognize faces or objects and can filter them.

It can talk with humans and understand them.

It Can fight on the border.

It can dance, sing and also can play music.

It can do any work.

What AI can't do?

As we know it is a machine that works on humans instruction so it can't do some work like -

It can't read emotions.

It can't do the work of a doctor.

It can't think out of the box.

It can't think according to a situation like a man, without programming.

What is profites from AI?

It works perfectly that's why it is going to help humans friendly.

It has no doubt that there is a rare case where a machine makes mistakes.

It will correct humans' mistakes and will improve them.

What are the losses from AI?

As we know it works more in compression of humans, then it is possible humans get lazy.

It is covering all world then there is a possibility then it will decrease job of a worker.

Thank you. 

-Jitendra Kushwaha
